Friday, August 6, 2010

Some host family pictures!

Yup, they're gangsters.

Me, Fabiola, Batou, and Mimi- my youngest sister.

Parfait (yes that literally means Perfect) who is a cousin, Nora who is another cousin, Beatrice-my mom, Batou- my brother, Vanessa- my older sister, Fabiola- my younger sister (she's was thrilled to be alive at this particular moment..), and John- another cousin. I kept asking them to smile, put they weren't having it! apparently smiling in photos just isn't cool.

My Host brother, Ariel. He thinks he's a model. Look at that silk shirt (unbottoned, of course!) and that bling!!

1 comment:

  1. You fit right in :) Looks like everything is going great! So glad to see pics!
