Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some more Cameroon pictures

So, in Cameroon, most clothes are made for you by a tailor. Material, or pagne as the Cameroonians call it, is sold everywhere. You choose the material you want, take it to a tailor, tell them what style they want, et violĂ ! you have a dress/pants/shirt/skirt/shorts/whatever your heart desires! So, in the above photo, this is me and my friend Claire. Yes, Claire. and we are wearing matching dresses (same style, same pagne). Oh, yeah, it's Claire pagne. and I have a feeling it's the first of many Claire pagne ensembles to come!

For Model School, we had clubs with the students every Wednesday. One of the clubs was called "Need for Speed," and it was a running club. Last Saturday, they organized a 5 k run. It was so fun! I had to take a picture of this kid, because he decided it was a great idea to take off his flip flops to run, and I guess he thought they would be most useful as forearm guards. maybe if he fell, they would mitigate scrapes??

A Cameroonian classroom! This is my Terminale class (high school seniors at home)

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