Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm Here!

Salut tout le monde!

So I am in fact here, in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon!!! My other trainees and I have been living in a bit of a Peace Corps bubble, going only between a hotel and the Peace Corps Office, in Peace Corps vehicles, taking language proficiency tests, filling out paperwork, and attending seminars on safety/security and such. But last night we went to a tribal dance ceremony (in a gym!) and was so aaaamazing. their costumes were beautiful and the dances we're fantastic. they did this sweet move where they convulsively shook just thier torso. I tried to replicate (they called all the observers on stage to join). I failed. pretty miserably. but it was super fun!

Don't have much internet now, hoping to have more when we settled into our training village of Bafia on Tuesday. So more to come then, but in the meantime, just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive, here safe, and missing you!

Love from Cameroon!


  1. So glad you made it safely! Sounds like you're having a great time already, and enjoying yourself :) (Did you take pictures?!)

    Looking forward to the next update!

  2. Glad you made it and sounds fun! Miss you lots and Happy Beginning and I'll wish myself happy 5 months! je t'aime!

  3. Yeah! We are glad you're there, safe and sound. Thinking of you. Tyler getting ready to hit PU'Tok, after brief recovery time!!See blog!

  4. Good to see you are already posting, i love reading blog posts, so keep writing them! Love ya.

  5. Hey!!!

    glad to see you already posting. miss you!! keep writing. :)
